
Members of the lab 🌱.

Master Students


Shuanghong Wang (王双红) is a 21st master student and working toward the M.S. degree in Donghua University. Her current research interests focus on multi-object tracking (pedestrian tracking, cross camera tracking). She received the 2023 National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students.

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Xia Li’s (李霞) research focuses on action quality assessment and is a 22nd master student. She is highly interested in analyzing and evaluating the quality of human movements, aiming to accurately assess the execution and performance of actions through the application of computer vision and deep learning techniques.

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Huanwen Zheng (郑奂文) is a 22nd master student in electronic information at Donghua University advised by Yanting Zhang. Previously, he was an undergraduate student at Donghua University. He is fortunate to have internship at Tsinghua University, advised by professor Yebin Liu. His research interests include generative models, person re-identification, style transfer and domain adaptation.

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Jingyi Guo (郭静怡) is a 23rd master student at Donghua University. Previously, she was an undergradate student at Donghua University. Her research interests include generative model, multi-modality generation and image editing.

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Kewei Chen (陈可畏) is a former undergraduate student of Donghua University who is a 23rd master student and pursuing further studies in computer science. His current focus is on monocular 3D object detection in road scenes, while also paying attention to methods based on stereo or lidar information. Additionally, he has gained valuable experience in Java/kotlin development on both PC and Android platforms during his early work.

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Yu Han (韩禹) is a 23rd master student at Donghua University. He is also co-supervised by professor Rui Fan at Tongji University. Previously, he was an undergradatestudent at Bohai University. His research interests include feature matching and knowledge distillation.

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Wenguang Zeng (曾文广) is currently a 23rd master student in the School of Computer Science and Technology of Donghua University advised by Dr. Yanting Zhang. His current research content is cross-view image geo-localization. Before that, he was an undergraduate student at the School of Computer Science, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, majoring in network engineering

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Graduated Students


Fuyu Tu (涂福宇) received the M.S. degree from Donghua University in 2023. His research focuses on the application of video action recognition and human pose estimation in sports. He is now working as an engineer in a technical company in Xiamen.

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